How do you determine which eye is the dominant one?

Ever wondered if there is such a thing as “eye dominance”? Well, to answer your question, yes, it definitely exists. Similar to a dominant hand or foot, a dominant eye is a real phenomenon. While we can train the non-dominant hand to a certain extent until it becomes almost identical to the dominant hand, the same cannot be said for the non-dominant eye. Not even for pirates with an eyepatch 😉 If you’re curious about how to determine your dominant eye, read on and take the test. Spoiler alert: I took the test myself, and without a doubt, my right eye is dominant.

What does Dominant Eye Mean?

Eye dominance, also known as ocular dominance, refers to the tendency for one eye to perform more visual tasks than the other. While it is often correlated with handedness, eye dominance does not always align with dominant hand preference. For example, a right-handed person is more likely to have a right-dominant eye, but exceptions exist. In my case, though, it is undeniably true.

Contrary to popular belief, eye dominance is not solely about visual sharpness but is a much more intricate concept. It involves the signals transmitted from the eye to the visual cortex in the brain. In simple terms, your dominant eye provides more accurate and detailed information about what you see to your brain. Even without the test, I could tell which of my eyes was dominant, and I’m sure many readers feel the same way. But to be sure, let’s take the test!

Dominant Eye Test

A dominant eye test determines which eye is favoured or dominant—the eye that gets the most use. Similar to your preference for the right or left hand, you instinctively lean towards your right or left eye.

For precise results, consult your optometrist as they possess tools and equipment for an accurate assessment of eye dominance. Alternatively, use our test below to save the trip to the optometrist.

How to Identify Your Dominant Eye

Several self-test methods can help identify your dominant eye. The outcomes may vary depending on the chosen test, so let’s explore some effective ways to assess eye dominance at home. It is incredible what we can do in the comfort of our own home. You can even order glasses online to try at home before buying. Okay, enough with the shameless plug. Let’s continue with our test.

Hole-in-a-Card Test

This simple test involves cutting a hole in the middle of a card or rectangular piece of paper. The hole should have a diameter of approximately 3-3.5 cm.

  1. Select a distant object to observe through the hole, preferably something on the wall.
  2. Hold the card at arm’s length, ensuring the target object is centred through the hole with both eyes open.
  3. Gradually move the card closer to your face while keeping both eyes open. Note which eye the card is in front of—that’s your dominant eye.

Point Test

This test involves focusing on an object and pointing at it to determine left-eye or right-eye dominance. Follow these steps:

  1. Choose a distant object to focus on, similar to the hole-in-a-card test.
  2. Intertwine your fingers with your index fingers extended and together in a pointing position.
  3. Point your index fingers at the chosen object. Alternate closing each eye while looking at the object. Your dominant eye is the one that, when open, keeps your index fingers pointed at the target.

That was easy, right? Did you get surprised?

Significance of Dominant Eye Testing

While eye dominance may not heavily impact everyday life for most people, it holds relevance for athletes, marksmen, and photographers. Adjusting positioning or form to accommodate the dominant eye can enhance accuracy in sports like golf or shooting.

Moreover, determining your dominant eye is crucial for addressing specific eye conditions or vision correction. Optometrists may conduct a dominant eye test in comprehensive exams to prescribe monovision contact lenses or treat conditions such as amblyopia.

While a dominant eye test may not be essential for everyone, it can assist in understanding unique vision needs, particularly if significant vision problems arise in one eye.

As always, we recommend you contact your optometrist for more information. However, if you have any questions about our frames or our try-before-you-buy service, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at